Object Widget

The following example shows a Family with Mother and Father. First define the interface for a person:

>>> from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
>>> from zope.schema import TextLine
>>> class IPerson(Interface):
...     """Interface for Persons."""
...     name = TextLine(title='Name', description='The first name')

Let’s define the class:

>>> @implementer(IPerson)
... class Person(object):
...     def __init__(self, name=''):
...         self.name = name

Let’s define the interface family:

>>> from zope.schema import Object
>>> class IFamily(Interface):
...     """The familiy interface."""
...     mother = Object(title='Mother',
...                     required=False,
...                     schema=IPerson)
...     father = Object(title='Father',
...                     required=False,
...                     schema=IPerson)

Let’s define the class Family using zope.schema.fieldproperty.FieldProperty for mother and father. FieldProperty instances validate the values if they get added:

>>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
>>> @implementer(IFamily)
... class Family(object):
...     """The familiy interface."""
...     mother = FieldProperty(IFamily['mother'])
...     father = FieldProperty(IFamily['father'])
...     def __init__(self, mother=None, father=None):
...         self.mother = mother
...         self.father = father

Let’s make an instance of Family with None attributes:

>>> family = Family()
>>> bool(family.mother == None)
>>> bool(family.father == None)

Let’s make an instance of Family with None attributes:

>>> mother = Person('Margrith')
>>> father = Person('Joe')
>>> family = Family(mother, father)
>>> IPerson.providedBy(family.mother)
>>> IPerson.providedBy(family.father)

Let’s define a dummy class which doesn’t implements IPerson:

>>> class Dummy(object):
...     """Dummy class."""
...     def __init__(self, name=''):
...         self.name = name

Raise a zope.schema.interfaces.SchemaNotProvided exception if we add a Dummy instance to a Family object:

>>> foo = Dummy('foo')
>>> bar = Dummy('bar')
>>> family = Family(foo, bar)
Traceback (most recent call last):

Now let’s setup a enviroment for use the widget like in a real application:

>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> from zope.schema.interfaces import ITextLine
>>> from zope.schema import TextLine
>>> from zope.formlib.widgets import TextWidget
>>> from zope.formlib.widgets import ObjectWidget
>>> from zope.formlib.interfaces import IInputWidget

Register the zope.schema.TextLine widget used in the IPerson interface for the field ‘name’.

>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
>>> provideAdapter(TextWidget, (ITextLine, IDefaultBrowserLayer),
...                IInputWidget)

Let’s define a request and provide input value for the mothers name used in the family object:

>>> request = TestRequest(HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='pl')
>>> request.form['field.mother.name'] = 'Margrith Ineichen'

Before we update the object let’s check the value name of the mother instance on the family object:

>>> family.mother.name

Now let’s initialize a ObjectWidget with the right attributes:

>>> mother_field = IFamily['mother']
>>> factory = Person
>>> widget = ObjectWidget(mother_field, request, factory)

Now comes the magic. Apply changes means we force the ObjectWidget to read the request, extract the value and save it on the content. The ObjectWidget instance uses a real Person class (factory) for add the value. The value is temporary stored in this factory class. The ObjectWidget reads the value from this factory and set it to the attribute ‘name’ of the instance mother (The object mother is already there). If we don’t have an instance mother already stored in the family object, the factory instance will be stored directly to the family attribute mother. For more information see the method zope.formlib.objectwidget.ObjectWidget.applyChanges.

>>> widget.applyChanges(family)

Test the updated mother’s name value on the object family:

>>> family.mother.name
'Margrith Ineichen'
>>> IPerson.providedBy(family.mother)

So, now you know my mothers and fathers name. I hope it’s also clear how to use the zope.schema.Object field and the ObjectWidget.