Source Widgets

Sources are objects that represent sets of values from which one might choose and are used with zope.schema.Choice schema fields. Source widgets currently fall into two categories:

  • widgets for iterable sources

  • widgets for queryable sources

Sources (combined with the available adapters) may support both approaches, but no widgets currently support both.

In both cases, the widgets need views that can be used to get tokens to represent source values in forms, as well as textual representations of values. We use the zope.browser.interfaces.ITerms views for that.

All of our examples will be using the component architecture:

>>> import zope.interface
>>> import zope.component
>>> import zope.schema

This ITerms implementation can be used for the sources involved in our tests:

>>> import base64
>>> import binascii
>>> from zope.browser.interfaces import ITerms
>>> import zope.publisher.interfaces.browser
>>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm
>>> from zope.formlib._compat import toStr
>>> @zope.interface.implementer(ITerms)
... class ListTerms:
...     def __init__(self, source, request):
...         pass # We don't actually need the source or the request :)
...     def getTerm(self, value):
...         title = toStr(value)
...         try:
...             token = base64.b64encode(title.encode()).strip().decode()
...         except binascii.Error:
...             raise LookupError(token)
...         return SimpleTerm(value, token=token, title=title)
...     def getValue(self, token):
...         return base64.b64decode(token).decode()

This view just uses the unicode representations of values as titles and the base-64 encoding of the titles as tokens. This is a very simple strategy that’s only approriate when the values have short and unique unicode representations.

All of the source widgets are in a single module:

>>> import zope.formlib.source

We’ll also need request objects:

>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest

Iterable Source Widgets

Iterable sources are expected to be simpler than queriable sources, so they represent a good place to start. The most important aspect of iterable sources for widgets is that it’s actually possible to enumerate all the values from the source. This allows each possible value to be listed in a <select> form field.

Let’s start with a simple example. We have a very trivial source, which is basically a list:

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableSource)
... class SourceList(list):
...     pass

We need to register our ITerms view:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     ListTerms,
...     (SourceList, zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest))

Let’s define a choice field using our iterable source:

>>> dog = zope.schema.Choice(
...    __name__ = 'dog',
...    title=u"Dogs",
...    source=SourceList(['spot', 'bowser', 'prince', 'duchess', 'lassie']),
...    )

>>> dog = dog.bind(object())

When we get a choice input widget for a choice field, the default widget factory gets a view on the field and the field’s source. We’ll just create the view directly:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceSelectWidget(
...     dog, dog.source, request)

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
<select id="" name="" size="5" >
<option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

Since the field is required, an empty selection is not valid:

>>> widget.getInputValue() 
Traceback (most recent call last):
MissingInputError: ('', 'Dogs', None)

Also, the widget is required in this case:

>>> widget.required

If the request contains a value, it is marked as selected:

>>> request.form[""] = "1"
>>> request.form[""] = "Ym93c2Vy"

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
<select id="" name="" size="5" >
<option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option selected="selected" value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

If we set the displayed value for the widget, that value is marked as selected:

>>> widget.setRenderedValue("duchess")
>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
<select id="" name="" size="5" >
<option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option selected="selected" value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

Dropdown widgets are achieved with SourceDropdownWidget, which simply generates a selection list of size 1:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceDropdownWidget(
...     dog, dog.source, request)
>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<select id="" name="" size="1" >
<option selected="selected" value="">(nothing selected)</option>...

An alternative to SourceSelectWidget for small numbers of items is SourceRadioWidget that provides a radio button group for the items:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceRadioWidget(
...     dog, dog.source, request)
>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="c3BvdA==" />&nbsp;spot</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="Ym93c2Vy" />&nbsp;bowser</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="cHJpbmNl" />&nbsp;prince</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="ZHVjaGVzcw==" />&nbsp;duchess</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="bGFzc2ll" />&nbsp;lassie</label>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

We’ll select an item by setting the appropriate fields in the request:

>>> request.form[''] = '1'
>>> request.form[''] = 'bGFzc2ll'
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceRadioWidget(
...     dog, dog.source, request)
>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="c3BvdA==" />&nbsp;spot</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="Ym93c2Vy" />&nbsp;bowser</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="cHJpbmNl" />&nbsp;prince</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" id=""
    name="" type="radio" value="ZHVjaGVzcw==" />&nbsp;duchess</label><br
/><label for=""><input class="radioType" checked="checked"
    id="" name="" type="radio" value="bGFzc2ll"
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

For list-valued fields with items chosen from iterable sources, there are the SourceMultiSelectWidget and SourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget widgets. The latter widget includes support for re-ording the list items. SourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget is configured as the default widget for lists of choices.

If you don’t need ordering support through the web UI, then you can use the simpler SourceMultiSelectWidget:

>>> dogSource = SourceList([
...     'spot', 'bowser', 'prince', 'duchess', 'lassie'])
>>> dogs = zope.schema.List(
...     __name__ = 'dogs',
...     title=u"Dogs",
...     value_type=zope.schema.Choice(
...         source=dogSource,
...     )
... )
>>> dogs = dogs.bind(object()) # give the field a context

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceMultiSelectWidget(
...     dogs, dogSource, request)

Let’s look at the rendered widget:

>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<select id="field.dogs" multiple="multiple" name="field.dogs:list"
  size="5" ><option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option></select>
<input name="field.dogs-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

We have no input yet:

>>> try:
...     widget.getInputValue()
... except zope.formlib.interfaces.MissingInputError:
...     print('no input')
no input

Select an item:

>>> request.form['field.dogs-empty-marker'] = '1'
>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['bGFzc2ll']
>>> widget.getInputValue()

and another:

>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['cHJpbmNl', 'bGFzc2ll']
>>> widget.getInputValue()
['prince', 'lassie']

Finally, what does the widget look like now:

>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<select id="field.dogs" multiple="multiple" name="field.dogs:list"
  size="5" ><option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option selected="selected" value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option selected="selected" value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option></select>
<input name="field.dogs-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

An alternative for small numbers of items is to use SourceMultiCheckBoxWidget:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceMultiCheckBoxWidget(
...     dogs, dogSource, request)

The rendered widget:

>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<label for="field.dogs.0"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.0"
  name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="c3BvdA==" />&nbsp;spot</label><br
  /><label for="field.dogs.1"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.1"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="Ym93c2Vy"
  /><label for="field.dogs.2"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.2"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="cHJpbmNl"
  /><label for="field.dogs.3"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.3"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox"
      value="ZHVjaGVzcw==" />&nbsp;duchess</label><br
  /><label for="field.dogs.4"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.4"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="bGFzc2ll"
<input name="field.dogs-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

We have no input yet:

>>> try:
...     widget.getInputValue()
... except zope.formlib.interfaces.MissingInputError:
...     print('no input')
no input

Select an item:

>>> request.form['field.dogs-empty-marker'] = '1'
>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['bGFzc2ll']
>>> widget.getInputValue()

and another:

>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['c3BvdA==', 'bGFzc2ll']
>>> widget.getInputValue()
['spot', 'lassie']

Finally, what does the widget look like now:

>>> print(widget()) 
<div class="value">
<label for="field.dogs.0"><input class="checkboxType" checked="checked"
  id="field.dogs.0" name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="c3BvdA=="
  /><label for="field.dogs.1"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.1"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="Ym93c2Vy"
  /><label for="field.dogs.2"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.2"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="cHJpbmNl"
  /><label for="field.dogs.3"><input class="checkboxType" id="field.dogs.3"
      name="field.dogs" type="checkbox"
      value="ZHVjaGVzcw==" />&nbsp;duchess</label><br
  /><label for="field.dogs.4"><input class="checkboxType" checked="checked"
      id="field.dogs.4" name="field.dogs" type="checkbox" value="bGFzc2ll"
<input name="field.dogs-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

For list ordering support, use SourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceOrderedMultiSelectWidget(
...     dogs, dogSource, request)

The widget is too complicated to show in complete rendered form here. Insted, we’ll inspect the properties of the widget:

>>> from zope.formlib.interfaces import MissingInputError
>>> try:
...     widget.getInputValue()
... except MissingInputError:
...     print('no input')
no input

>>> widget.choices() == [
...     {'text': 'spot',    'value': 'c3BvdA=='},
...     {'text': 'bowser',  'value': 'Ym93c2Vy'},
...     {'text': 'prince',  'value': 'cHJpbmNl'},
...     {'text': 'duchess', 'value': 'ZHVjaGVzcw=='},
...     {'text': 'lassie',  'value': 'bGFzc2ll'}
... ]

>>> widget.selected()

Let’s try out selecting items. Select one item:

>>> request.form['field.dogs-empty-marker'] = '1'
>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['bGFzc2ll']
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(widget.selected()) 
[{'text': 'lassie',  'value': 'bGFzc2ll'}]

>>> widget.getInputValue()

Select two items:

>>> request.form['field.dogs'] = ['c3BvdA==', 'bGFzc2ll']
>>> pprint(widget.selected())  
[{'text': 'spot',    'value': 'c3BvdA=='},
 {'text': 'lassie',  'value': 'bGFzc2ll'}]

>>> widget.getInputValue()
['spot', 'lassie']

For set-valued fields, use SourceMultiSelectSetWidget:

>>> dogSet = zope.schema.Set(
...     __name__ = 'dogSet',
...     title=u"Dogs",
...     value_type=zope.schema.Choice(
...         source=dogSource,
...     )
... )
>>> dogSet = dogSet.bind(object()) # give the field a context
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceMultiSelectSetWidget(
...     dogSet, dogSource, request)

>>> try:
...     widget.getInputValue()
... except zope.formlib.interfaces.MissingInputError:
...     print('no input')
no input

>>> print(widget())  
<div class="value">
<select id="field.dogSet" multiple="multiple"
    name="field.dogSet:list" size="5" ><option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option></select>
<input name="field.dogSet-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

Let’s try out selecting items. Select one item:

>>> request.form['field.dogSet-empty-marker'] = '1'
>>> request.form['field.dogSet'] = ['bGFzc2ll']
>>> widget.getInputValue()

Select two items:

>>> request.form['field.dogSet'] = ['c3BvdA==', 'bGFzc2ll']
>>> sorted(widget.getInputValue())
['lassie', 'spot']

The rendered widget (still with the two items selected) looks like this:

>>> print(widget())  
<div class="value">
<select id="field.dogSet" multiple="multiple"
    name="field.dogSet:list" size="5" ><option selected="selected"
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="cHJpbmNl">prince</option>
<option value="ZHVjaGVzcw==">duchess</option>
<option selected="selected" value="bGFzc2ll">lassie</option></select>
<input name="field.dogSet-empty-marker" type="hidden" value="1" />

Source Widget Query Framework

An important aspect of sources is that they may have too many values to enumerate. Rather than listing all of the values, we, instead, provide interfaces for querying values and selecting values from query results. Matters are further complicated by the fact that different sources may have very different interfaces for querying them.

To make matters more interesting, a source may be an aggregation of several collections, each with their own querying facilities. An example of such a source is a principal source, where principals might come from a number of places, such as an LDAP database and ZCML-based principal definitions.

The default widgets for selecting values from sources use the following approach:

  • One or more query objects are obtained from the source by adapting the source to zope.schema.interfaces.ISourceQueriables. If no adapter is obtained, then the source itself is assumed to be queriable.

  • For each queriable found, a zope.formlib.interfaces.ISourceQueryView view is looked up. This view is used to obtain the HTML for displaying a query form. The view is also used to obtain search results.

Let’s start with a simple example. We have a very trivial source, which is basically a list:

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(zope.schema.interfaces.ISource)
... class SourceList(list):
...     pass

We need to register our ITerms view:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     ListTerms,
...     (SourceList, zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest))

We aren’t going to provide an adapter to ISourceQueriables, so the source itself will be used as it’s own queriable. We need to provide a query view for the source:

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(
...         zope.formlib.interfaces.ISourceQueryView)
... @zope.component.adapter(
...         SourceList,
...         zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest,
...         )
... class ListQueryView:
...     def __init__(self, source, request):
...         self.source = source
...         self.request = request
...     def render(self, name):
...         return (
...             '<input name="%s.string">\n'
...             '<input type="submit" name="%s" value="Search">'
...             % (name, name)
...             )
...     def results(self, name):
...         if name in self.request:
...             search_string = self.request.get(name+'.string')
...             if search_string is not None:
...                 return [value
...                         for value in self.source
...                         if search_string in value
...                         ]
...         return None

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(ListQueryView)

Now, we can define a choice field:

>>> dog = zope.schema.Choice(
...    __name__ = 'dog',
...    title=u"Dogs",
...    source=SourceList(['spot', 'bowser', 'prince', 'duchess', 'lassie']),
...    )

As before, we’ll just create the view directly:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceInputWidget(
...     dog, dog.source, request)

Now if we render the widget, we’ll see the input value (initially nothing) and a form elements for seaching for values:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

This shows that we haven’t selected a dog. We get a search box that we can type seach strings into. Let’s supply a search string. We do this by providing data in the form and by “selecting” the submit button:

>>> request.form[''] = 'y'
>>> request.form[''] = 'o'
>>> request.form[''] = 'Search'

Because the field is required, a non-selection is not valid. Thus, while the widget still hasInput, it will raise an error when you getInputValue:

>>> widget.hasInput()
>>> widget.getInputValue() 
Traceback (most recent call last):
MissingInputError: ('dog', 'Dogs', None)

If the field is not required:

>>> dog.required = False

then as long as the field is displayed, the widget still has input but returns the field’s missing value:

>>> widget.hasInput()
>>> widget.getInputValue() # None

Now if we render the widget, we’ll see the search results:

>>> dog.required = True
>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
      <div class="queryresults">
<select name="">
<option value="Ym93c2Vy">bowser</option>
<option value="c3BvdA==">spot</option>
<input type="submit" name="" value="Apply" />
      </div> <!-- queryresults -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

If we select an item:

>>> request.form[''] = 'y'
>>> del request.form['']
>>> del request.form['']
>>> request.form[''] = 'c3BvdA=='
>>> request.form[''] = 'Apply'

Then we’ll show the newly selected value:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="c3BvdA==" />
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

Note that we should have an input value now, since pressing the ‘Apply’ button provides us with input:

>>> widget.hasInput()

We should also be able to get the input value:

>>> widget.getInputValue()

Now, let’s look at a more complicated example. We’ll define a source that combines multiple sources:

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(
...        zope.schema.interfaces.ISource,
...        zope.schema.interfaces.ISourceQueriables,
...        )
... class MultiSource:
...     def __init__(self, *sources):
...         self.sources = [(toStr(i), s) for (i, s) in enumerate(sources)]
...     def __contains__(self, value):
...         for i, s in self.sources:
...             if value in s:
...                 return True
...         return False
...     def getQueriables(self):
...         return self.sources

This multi-source implements ISourceQueriables. It assumes that the sources it’s given are queriable and just returns the sources as the queryable objects.

We can reuse our terms view:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     ListTerms,
...     (MultiSource, zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest))

Now, we’ll create a pet choice that combines dogs and cats:

>>> pet = zope.schema.Choice(
...    __name__ = 'pet',
...    title=u"Dogs and Cats",
...    source=MultiSource(
...      dog.source,
...      SourceList(['boots', 'puss', 'tabby', 'tom', 'tiger']),
...      ),
...    )

and a widget:

>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceInputWidget(
...     pet, pet.source, request)

Now if we display the widget, we’ll see search inputs for both dogs and cats:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

As before, we can perform a search:

>>> request.form[''] = 'y'
>>> request.form[''] = 't'
>>> request.form[''] = 'Search'

In which case, we’ll get some results:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
      <div class="queryresults">
<select name="">
<option value="Ym9vdHM=">boots</option>
<option value="dGFiYnk=">tabby</option>
<option value="dGlnZXI=">tiger</option>
<option value="dG9t">tom</option>
<input type="submit" name="" value="Apply" />
      </div> <!-- queryresults -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

from which we can choose:

>>> request.form[''] = 'y'
>>> del request.form['']
>>> del request.form['']
>>> request.form[''] = 'dGFiYnk='
>>> request.form[''] = 'Apply'

and get a selection:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="label">
    <div class="field">
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="dGFiYnk=" />
  <input type="hidden" name="" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

Note that we should have an input value now, since pressing the ‘Apply’ button provides us with input:

>>> widget.hasInput()

and we can get the input value:

>>> widget.getInputValue()

There’s a display widget, which doesn’t use queriables, since it doesn’t assign values:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceDisplayWidget(
...     pet, pet.source, request)
>>> print(widget())
>>> from zope.formlib.interfaces import IBrowserWidget
>>> IBrowserWidget.providedBy(widget)

>>> widget.setRenderedValue('tabby')
>>> print(widget())

Like any good display widget, input is not required:

>>> widget.required

If we specify a list of choices:

>>> pets = zope.schema.List(__name__ = 'pets', title=u"Pets",
...                         value_type=pet)

when a widget is computed for the field, a view will be looked up for the field and the source, where, in this case, the field is a list field. We’ll just call the widget factory directly:

>>> widget = zope.formlib.source.SourceListInputWidget(
...     pets, pets.value_type.source, request)

If we render the widget:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets.displayed" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MA__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MA__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MQ__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MQ__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

Here the output looks very similar to the simple choice case. We get a search input for each source. In this case, we don’t show any inputs (TODO we probably should make it clearer that there are no selected values.)

As before, we can search one of the sources:

>>> request.form['field.pets.displayed'] = 'y'
>>> request.form['field.pets.MQ__.string'] = 't'
>>> request.form['field.pets.MQ__'] = 'Search'

In which case, we’ll get some results:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets.displayed" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MA__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MA__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MQ__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MQ__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
      <div class="queryresults">
<select name="field.pets.MQ__.selection:list" multiple>
<option value="Ym9vdHM=">boots</option>
<option value="dGFiYnk=">tabby</option>
<option value="dGlnZXI=">tiger</option>
<option value="dG9t">tom</option>
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MQ__.apply" value="Apply" />
      </div> <!-- queryresults -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

from which we can select some values:

>>> request.form['field.pets.displayed'] = 'y'
>>> del request.form['field.pets.MQ__.string']
>>> del request.form['field.pets.MQ__']
>>> request.form['field.pets.MQ__.selection'] = [
...     'dGFiYnk=', 'dGlnZXI=', 'dG9t']
>>> request.form['field.pets.MQ__.apply'] = 'Apply'

Which then leads to the selections appearing as widget selections:

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <input type="checkbox" name="field.pets.checked:list" value="dGFiYnk=" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets:list" value="dGFiYnk=" />
  <br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="field.pets.checked:list" value="dGlnZXI=" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets:list" value="dGlnZXI=" />
  <br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="field.pets.checked:list" value="dG9t" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets:list" value="dG9t" />
  <br />
  <input type="submit" name="field.pets.remove" value="Remove" />
  <br />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets.displayed" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MA__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MA__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MQ__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MQ__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

We can get the selected values:

>>> widget.getInputValue()
['tabby', 'tiger', 'tom']

We now see the values we selected. We also have checkboxes and buttons that allow us to remove selections:

>>> request.form['field.pets.displayed'] = 'y'
>>> request.form['field.pets'] = ['dGFiYnk=', 'dGlnZXI=', 'dG9t']
>>> del request.form['field.pets.MQ__.selection']
>>> del request.form['field.pets.MQ__.apply']
>>> request.form['field.pets.checked'] = ['dGFiYnk=', 'dG9t']
>>> request.form['field.pets.remove'] = 'Remove'

>>> print(widget())
<div class="value">
  <input type="checkbox" name="field.pets.checked:list" value="dGlnZXI=" />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets:list" value="dGlnZXI=" />
  <br />
  <input type="submit" name="field.pets.remove" value="Remove" />
  <br />
  <input type="hidden" name="field.pets.displayed" value="y" />
  <div class="queries">
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MA__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MA__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
    <div class="query">
      <div class="queryinput">
<input name="field.pets.MQ__.string">
<input type="submit" name="field.pets.MQ__" value="Search">
      </div> <!-- queryinput -->
    </div> <!-- query -->
  </div> <!-- queries -->
</div> <!-- value -->

Using vocabulary-dependent widgets with sources

if you have a widget that uses old-style vocabularies but don’t have the time to rewrite it for sources, all is not lost! The wrapper IterableSourceVocabulary can be used to make sources and ITerms look like a vocabulary. This allows us to use vocabulary-based widgets with sources instead of vocabularies.


>>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm

>>> values  = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> tokens  = [ '0',  '1',  '2']
>>> titles  = ['A', 'B', 'C']

>>> terms = [SimpleTerm(values[i], token=tokens[i], title=titles[i]) \
...     for i in range(0,len(values))]

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableSource)
... class TestSource(list):
...     pass
>>> source = TestSource(values)

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(ITerms)
... class TestTerms(object):
...     def __init__(self, source, request):
...         pass
...     def getTerm(self, value):
...         index = values.index(value)
...         return terms[index]
...     def getValue(self, token):
...         index = tokens.index(token)
...         return values[index]

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     TestTerms,
...     (TestSource, zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest))

>>> from zope.formlib.source import IterableSourceVocabulary
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> vocab = IterableSourceVocabulary(source, request)
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass, verifyObject
>>> verifyClass(zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyTokenized, \
...     IterableSourceVocabulary)
>>> verifyObject(zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyTokenized, vocab)

>>> len(vocab)
>>> ('a' in vocab) and ('b' in vocab) and ('c' in vocab)
>>> [value for value in vocab] == terms
>>> term = vocab.getTerm('b')
>>> (term.value, term.token, term.title)
('b', '1', 'B')
>>> term = vocab.getTermByToken('2')
>>> (term.value, term.token, term.title)
('c', '2', 'C')